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Do AirPods And HeadPhones Affect Your Hearing?

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Listening to music via earbuds or headphones for extended periods of time can damage your hearing.

Many people are unaware that listening to loud sounds over long periods of time can cause permanent hearing loss and tinnitus, but it's true. Many don't realize they are damaging their hearing until it is too late.

The best way to protect your ears is simply not listen so loud for prolonged periods of time, especially if you're using earbuds or other in-ear style headphones which don't block out background noise very well anyway. If someone standing at arms length can hear your music, then it's too loud!

With progressive hearing loss, as time goes on, then of course you're going to listen to your music at increased volumes - so the pattern of hearing loss progresses further.

Tinnitus is another intrusive condition that express itself in many ways. A rushing sound, ringing, buzzing - everyone's experience is different and all invasive. Any sudden changes in tinnitus must be investigated by an ENT referral.

So if you're concerned with your hearing, call into our Chester or Wirral Hear Pure clinics for a hearing check or a tinnitus assessment.

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