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Why hearing tests are important for children

As a parent, you want your child to grow up happy and healthy. Whilst serious hearing problems are rare during childhood, the effects of hearing loss can occur at any age and have a variety of negative effects.

According to figures from the National Deaf Children’s Society, there are more than 50,000 deaf children in the UK. Fortunately, routine hearing tests are offered to babies and children to catch any problems and ensure they are managed early on.

Here, we explore in more detail why hearing tests are important for your child.

They can help identify significant hearing loss

You could go years without knowing about your child having a hearing problem if they don't get routine hearing tests. Early hearing tests can help identify most babies with serious hearing loss, and later tests can catch problems that were missed or are slowly getting worse.

Treatment is more effective if problems are detected early on

Early detection is key when it comes to hearing problems because children with undiagnosed hearing loss can have trouble talking, understanding language, thriving in school, and interacting with others. A child with hearing loss can begin receiving treatment to improve their hearing or services to help them learn to communicate when they are screened and diagnosed early.

There are several reasons why a child may have a hearing problem

From hearing loss running in the family and being passed down to your child or a mother experiencing certain health issues during pregnancy, to a child experiencing ear infections, common illnesses such as the flu or injuries to the head. There are numerous causes of hearing loss in children which may be detected during routine tests.

Spotting signs of a hearing problem

So how do you know if your child needs a hearing test? There are various signs which may indicate a possible hearing problem. Look out for the following and get in touch if you have any concerns:

  • Changes in behaviour for example becoming withdrawn or frustrated.

  • Red ears in babies and/or pulling at their ears.

  • Delayed speech and communication development.

  • Mishearing and mispronouncing words.

  • Not hearing what's going on if there's background noise.

  • Not responding when called.

  • Problems with concentrating, tiredness and frustration that affects their behaviour.

  • Difficulties with reading and learning.

  • Wanting the volume of the TV higher than other members of your family.

Do you think your child has hearing loss?

While determining whether your child suffers from hearing loss can be difficult, our Audiologists are experienced in dealing with children and will carry out hearing tests that are appropriate to the age and abilities of your child.

Children from the age of four can be engaged through play audiometry, which involves the use of toys and your child’s reactions to specific sounds. Whereas older children can respond to sounds played through headphones by saying yes or no or by pressing a response button.

If you have any concerns surrounding your child’s hearing, book a children’s hearing test in Chester at Hear Pure today.

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